CodeLock 1.5 for Windows 3.1 (C)opyright 1994 Robust Software (800) 762-8780 (805) 688-6312 Fax (805) 688-6193 CompuServe ID 73353,1347 Internet - See the codelock.hlp help file for more information! The sample programs included demonstrate some of the capabilities of CodeLock. These samples use an installation program, and application. The installation program creates the lock and the application checks the lock. Your application does not need to use this same approach to install locks, you could install the locks the first time your application executes. Examples for 'C' and Visual Basic are included, however CodeLock may be used with any programming language/environment that can call DLL's. The sample files are: Time Lock Sample: insttime.exe - installs a time lock for 10 days. insttime.c - source for insttime.exe timelock.exe - checks the time lock. timelock.c - source for timelock.exe Program Lock Sample: instprog.exe - installs a program lock. instprog.c - source for instprog.exe proglock.exe - checks the program lock. proglock.c - source for proglock.exe Visual Basic Sample: instvb.exe - installs a program lock. instvb.mak - make file for instvb.exe install1.frm - form 1 for instvb.exe install2.frm - form 2 for instvb.exe vblock.exe - checks the program lock. vblock.mak - make file for vblock.exe vblock.frm - form for vblock.exe The CodeLock DLL distributed here displays an evaluation message every time the lock functions are called. When you purchase CodeLock, you will be given a clean version without these messages. Pricing: 250 registered user version $399.00us 1000 registered user version $699.00us Unlimited user version $999.00us For Access users: example code for your autoexec module is available. SEE THE CODELOCK.HLP FILE FOR MUCH MORE INFORMATION!